Evaluation Method
Evaluation Methods
Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (5th to 8th Class) Formal evaluation is the new educational policy. In our school there is a continuous comprehensive evaluation method for 5th to 8th class. We use compiled (written exam) and formal evaluation (Various formal tools) for evaluation of students. For formal evaluation of students we use class wise and subject wise projects, field visits, oral work, experiments, activities and home work, with the help of all these tools of formal evaluation, we maintain the record of the student. Thus, we prepare the result of the students by following the gradation system:
For evaluation of Science and Math’s subjects, we held practical exams for each class.
For the continuous comprehensive evaluation of 5th to 8th class, we held written exam in the first and the second term as well as monthly tests are planned. For 9th and 10th class, we plan two unit tests, and first term exam and second term exam as per the Board pattern.
Not only for the development of writing skills of the students but also for the better evaluation of students, we plan daily class work and monthly homework system. We encourage the teachers for giving innovative home work, for the development of students.
For the fair evaluation of listening and speaking skills in languages, we plan oral tests and evaluate the listening, speaking, reading and conversation skills of the students.
As per the continuous comprehensive method and for better comprehensive and overall evaluation of all subjects, we plan class wise and subject wise projects and activities. The innovative activities, and projects of full of novelty are given preference.
The students who have a good speed in studies, are accompanied by the students who don’t have a good speed in studies, this scheme helps to strengthen the baseline studies of the students. The student who is not so good in studies, gets the help from his friend, who is of his age. Thus it helps to develop the study skills.
In teaching process, we use constructivism approach which is the modern thought in the field of education. Regarding this the students are the achievers of knowledge and the teachers are their guides. With this approach, teachers teach the students, and for the better application of this approach, we have planned many teaching, learning activities.